Fuel Guard 2 is a unique, powerful and efficient cleaner for the upkeep and maintenance of the fuel system and other engine components. It can be used on both petrol and diesel motors, providing them with lubrication and corrosion protection.
Fuel Guard 2 can be used as a preventive treatment and / or a curative cleaner for the fuel injection system.
Can be used in petrol, diesel systems – reduces inventory.
Safe for catalytic converters, particle filters and compatible with HDI and hybrid engines – no product return.
Lubricates the fuel components – Extends the life span of pumps and injectors.
Disperses water in the fuel – Avoids corrosion as well as fungal and microbiological contamination.
Ashless despersing agent – Does not sand down nor damage the engine parts, reduces intake valve deposits.
Contains antioxidants – reduces tar, gum and resin build-up.